Advent 2023 Devotional - Day 2

Advent 2023 Devotional - Day 2

As God told man and woman the consequences of their offense, He also told them the hope that would set them free. “He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”

“Where Are You?” 

Genesis 3:1-15 

By Kelsie Ellison 

I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself. 

Shame is first introduced into the world as a result of sin. The intimate, free fellowship that Adam and Eve had once experienced with God is now broken and incomplete, as Adam and Eve became suspicious of God and one another. 

As God told man and woman the consequences of their offense, He also told them the hope that would set them free. “He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” The consequences of sin will sting and bruise, but sin’s power will be crushed by Christ, who is God with us, in the flesh. Christ comes to heal both our sin problem and our separation problem. In Christ, our fellowship with God is restored. 

God desires an intimate relationship with His people, and He shows that by asking Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” He pursues and loves His people despite their disobedience. God was not surprised by the sin of Adam and Eve; neither is He surprised when we choose disobedience. Instead of hiding, God invites us to come to him in every season and circumstance and receive His steadfast love and grace. God desires that you bring your burdens and requests to the foot of the cross.

As we celebrate the coming of Christ this Advent, it is the truth that God is with us that allows us to celebrate. Some of us may be longing, grieving, or rejoicing because of our various life circumstances. God invites you to look to Him. Immanuel, God with us, knows how you feel, He knows what you need, He knows where you are, and He is there. He invites you to draw near to Him. 

This year I have experienced a variety of painful circumstances that have left me vulnerable, needy, and with seemingly nowhere to turn. In each circumstance, God has shown up to remind me that He is with me. In mourning and loss of family, He comforted me. When our house was unlivable, He provided shelter for my family. As many childhood wounds have been reopened, He has held me together in His secure arms. As I grieved my lack of emotional connection with my earthly father, He reminded me that He is a perfect, loving father. 

Where are you this Advent season? Where are you spiritually? In what areas of your life do you need to rejoice or grieve? What do you need to set aside or take up? I want to invite you to walk alongside God, experience His presence, and trust that He is with you. He always knows where you are. 


  • What truth about God being with you comforts you? 
  • In what areas of your life do you need to invite God to be present?